Six Types Of People That Should Never Get A Bird

For anyone who is thinking of getting a bird for the first time, parrots are complex creatures, and not everyone is fit to own a bird so we thought I’d share what we think are six types of people that should never get a bird,

so the first type of person that should never get a bird is,

Anyone who hasn’t done the proper research

There are so many videos on social media of parrots doing amazing things like talking, doing tricks, or even showing unique personality traits that might lead someone to impulse buy a bird because who doesn’t want a pet that can talk or dance, just like with any pet you need to research what it takes to own a parrot very thoroughly before even considering getting a bird,

How to research 

  1. Spending lots of time researching and reading lots of articles about parrots and these specific species that you’re interested in and 
  2. Joining Facebook groups or parrot forums 

So you can really learn more about the effort that goes into owning a parrot from knowledgeable parent owners, then you won’t know what you’re getting yourself into,

And trust me it is a lot of thorough research beforehand that can help you decide if you’re fit to own a bird and it can save a parrot numerous troubles.

Risk caused to birds if not properly researched

Getting rehomed numerous times before or if they even find the right home and causing a lot of hardship not only for yourself but the bird when people haven’t done their due diligence in researching before bringing a bird home,

It increases the risk of parrots being mistreated or being passed from home to home which can be really traumatizing if you haven’t researched or don’t plan on researching about parrots.

The second type of person who should never get a parrot is.

Anyone that is not ready for commitment and doesn’t have the time 

Parrots can live for quite a long time anywhere from 15 to 17 or more years depending on the species of bird you have to be dependable and willing to provide quality care for a complicated animal for the majority or in some cases for the rest of your life,

and even after you’re gone because some birds can outlive their caretakers, you also have to anticipate all the life changes that you’ll go through like, going away for college, having children, moving or getting a new job, that has long hours and still be committed to keeping your bird in your life by revolving your life changes around your bird.

What you can do in such situations

You can go to a nearby college,

Socialize your birds with your children,

Move to a place that allows pets or get a flexible job.

Parrots not socializing can develop

parrots also need socialization which will require lots of time and if they aren’t able to socialize and are left in the cage all day birds could develop,

behavioral problems like excessive squawking,

aggressiveness and 

self-mutilation through feather plucking,

The ideal person that should get a bird is,

Someone who can spend most of their time with the bird so anyone who works from home, 

or doesn’t have much of a social life.

The third type of person that should never get a bird is,

Anyone who doesn’t have the funds,

Parrots are expensive animals to keep because you need to have money for not just the initial one-time costs like getting the bird and the cage and whatnot you also need to have the funds for recurring purchases or things that you’ll have to buy regularly which will all add up and will always be more expensive than the initial one-time costs in the long run. 

Why do you need money for,

The bigger the bird the more expensive things tend to be and even though expenses for smaller parrots aren’t as bad compared to their larger counterparts you’ll still need the funds to provide everything your bird needs to keep them happy and healthy like it includes,

  • Different types of toys will need to get replaced as they get destroyed or when your bird loses interest,
  • Fresh food like chop and some fruits pellets treats like millets, seeds, or nuts and
  • Vet care if you want your bird to live the healthiest life you also need to take your bird to an avian vet for yearly checkups as a health precaution and also have money set aside for emergencies.
  • Some birds can even destroy your furniture or belongings so you’ll also need money to replace valuables when they get destroyed,

if you don’t have the money now then you can wait to get a bird in the future when you’re able to make more money or have a stable income.

The fourth type of person that should never get a bird is,

Anyone who wants an easy pet,

Because parrots are far from easy they are one of the most difficult pets to care for,

They can be really needy they crap and throw their food everywhere

They bite and they destroy things as i mentioned before you also need to make adjustments in your home and lifestyle if you want to provide a safe environment for a bird,

You can’t smoke or vape around your bird

You can’t use non-stick items like pots or pans 

Any chemicals that are sprayed or released into the air like air fresheners or candles and even perfumes and 

You can’t turn ceiling fans on 

because all of these things can kill birds.

The fifth type of person that should never get a bird is,

Anyone who is sensitive to noise,

  • Parrots chirp and squawk as a way of communicating and they pretty much vocalize multiple times throughout the day which is natural and that can’t be trained to get rid of, 
  • Some parrots may trip frequently and they may not be allowed and 
  • Some parrots chirp occasionally and it might be the loudest soul-crushing thing that you’ve ever heard 

Everyone’s tolerance to noise is different and if even the slightest bit of noise gets on your nerves, if you really cherish your piecing quiet or if anyone you live with hates noise then you shouldn’t get a bird.

The sixth type of person that shouldn’t get a bird is,

Anyone who lacks patience and empathy,

Parrots are so complicated and you’ll need to have patience and empathy to really understand your bird and how to work with them,

When parrots bite or act out you need to be able to step into their shoes and try to figure out what your bird is feeling

Why do they react the way they did and also see that their feelings are valid understanding, 

Why birds bite or react a certain way and being able to see things from your bird’s perspective takes time and patience. 

It takes time to gain trust or foreign bonds will differ for every bird because they’re all so different, and they will learn at different paces and when you see videos of people with cuddly or affectionate birds or birds that can perform tricks just know that all of that took lots of time and patience to gain trust and to form a bond it doesn’t happen overnight parrots were never meant to be pets and if you really want a bird you have to be willing to provide the best care that you can offer.


If you are any of the people that i mentioned and you still want a bird you definitely have to work on yourself before you think about bringing a bird home, that way you and the bird can have a thriving companionship.

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